Event Archives

Progress in understanding resonant subwavelength optical structures has fueled a worldwide explosion of interest in both
fundamental processes and nanophotonic devices for imaging, sensing, solar energy conversion and thermal radiation
control. However, for most nanophotonic... more
Supplying the world with sustainable energy is one of the most pressing issues in modern society. Nanomaterials with carefully tailored properties (such as interface, impurities) can be used to manipulate the flow of phonons, electrons and photons, to enable novel energy devices in an... more

New possibilities with thermoelectric materials
Half-Heusler and Zintl are two broad material families where people have continuously discovered good thermoelectric materials. However, their transport properties are not all well understood, and more importantly, simulating the transport... more

Abstract: Power generation systems in general, and solar power generation systems in particular, are complex, involving multiple components. Each one of these components can influence the performance and cost of the overall system. So how can we decide where to focus our development efforts?... more

Abstract: Heat transfer is central to many of the industries, technologies and devices we use every day, from our cell phones and laptops to our refrigerators and automobiles. However, there are still a number of problems that have remained unsolved for decades, and there are... more

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