Mojtaba Forghani is a MIT PhD sudent in Prof. Nicolas Hadkiconstantinou's group. He works on S3TEC projects. Mojtaba was the recipient of the Center for Computational Engineering MathWorks Prize for Outstanding Doctoral Research. Congratulations to Mojtaba!
Veronika Stelmakh will join the Chain Reaction Innovations Program at Argonne this summer to continue her work on thermophotovoltaics. This is the press release:

S3TEC alum David Bierman is the founder of Marigold Power. When he was at MIT S3TEC, he worked on developing a thermophotovoltaic converter that absorbs sunlight and converts it to a form of light more refficiently converted into electricity by photovoltaic cells.

David Bierman and Veronika Stelmakh were named the winners of the 2017 Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Researcher Science Competition a presentation on their research conducted at the MIT S3TEC Research Center.

New research offers insights into how crystal dislocations — a common type of defect in materials — can affect electrical and heat transport through crystals, at a microscopic, quantum

Hot Solar Cells Named by Technology Review in the 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2017
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